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A Final Thought!

    Thank you so much for coming!  I hope you enjoyed the site!  As of last count, there are a billion and 1/3 websites, so this one is a tiny speck in the great world of tech.  
    But that reminds me, so are our lives in comparison to eternity.  The most important decision we can make in life is how we are going to spend that eternity. I believe that most people want to live , (at least the ones I know)  and want to live in Heaven instead of hell. 
    So if you have never made a commitment to Jesus to be saved and live forever, please clik the picture link below to find out why and how!   Take care always and once again thanks and be blessed! 


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Jesse Hutson   Admin.


Farmington, MN.  55024




Please note:  This is my personal info. Please use wisely, and if you call, please leave a message, Thank you for understanding. Have a blessed day!

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