Well, I guess you may as well know, I am not a big fan of social media, as I have a love / hate relationship with it. On the one hand, it's a way to fill the extra time in my life, and on the other, I have no idea what's real or not on social media.
I do know this for sure, big tech is at war with Christianity, and anything posted of Christian nature is in danger. The reason is simple, social media is just a reflection of the people involved with it. It stands to reason that since a huge proportion of our culture is uninterested in anything hinting towards God, it would be reflected in their bias against it. Such is the nature of the majority of big tech providers.
I can only use first-hand knowledge of this regarding my first "Nite Light" website and Facebook page. It was doing fine, with about 2,000 followers or so and when I posted ( or others ) there would be plenty of interactions, (likes, comments, etc.). Then all of a sudden out of 2,000 followers, only a handful of people responded. Then eventually I got messages asking "where have I been?" They haven't seen the posts for ages. That's when I discovered what appeared to be going on, they were "shadow banning" our posts.
Shadow banning is when you post something, and you think your followers will see it, but they never get the post on their feed. It's a cruel deception to say the least. And who determines who sees what? Well, before Congress, Zuckerberg stated plainly that it's just up to the opinion of the Facebook moderators and fact checkers. Also come to find out, that a lot of those "fact checkers" were simply unemployed kids in other countries who had no concept of anything "western" except what they see in movies. The get a list of "key words" or phrases, and when they see those words, they put you in "time out' or even delete your post or even delete you.
So, I got so discouraged, I simply gave up after 5 or 6 years of supporting the site every month. I just said "forget it" and gave up.
Do you remember the old days when they were saying, "social media will have the opposite effect than what is promoted? Well, it turned out to be true. It doesn't bring people closer together, it actuall isolates them over time. At the time, I just laughed at the idea of isolation, because there were so many contacts at your fingertips. But the truth is, that most of them don't engage with you or, they never have even spoken with you. It just get comfortable having them there in the background for familiarity, comfort, and a sense of stability. The real benefits of social media is that it's faster than the mail, (anything is) and keeping in touch with family and real life friends, that's about it.
OK, this is getting long winded so I'm gonna stop here. Your experience may be different, and that OK. This isn't law, just my opinion. What's yours? Have a great day, - Jes