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  • Writer's pictureJesse Hutson

One World Gov't.


What satan needs for a one world gov't is simple. Compliance. He doesn't need advice, he doesn't need help, he doesn't need volunteers, he needs subordinates that are willing to give up their eternal happiness in Heaven for a brief moment of fame, wealth, power or recognition.

When Jesus was in the wilderness, satan tempted Him and offered Him all the kingdoms of the world if He would just bow down to him. Of course Jesus refused, but many people in the world have gladly taken satan up on his offer. How could satan offer such things if he didn't own them? The fact is he does. Adam and Eve handed satan the keys to this world in the Garden of Eden. And since that time, every generation, has produced those that are willing to sell their souls for some form of fleeting wealth. The more dedicated they are, the more satan rewards them. Even now we see these people in top positions of various sectors of life on earth. IE: Elitist rich, government, businesses, etc. The more compliant they are to satan's influence, the more rewarded they get. But that's only while they're alive. One trillionth of one millisecond after their final breath, all of it is gone and eternal hell and torment await them, and there is no escape. Never again able to know love, peace, joy, kindness, or any form of fulfillment. Forever, nothing but endless torment.

Ok, back to what I was talking about. Everything you see happening in the world today is merely satan bringing the planet that he rules, into alignment and compliance so that he can rule the world in the form of the Antichrist. Satan's time is short now, and he knows it. He never said he wants to be God, he only said he wants to be "like" The Most High.

Not everyone in politics is evil. There are some that are very well-meaning and wish to do good things for our country. Unfortunately, they don't last too long and become "targets" of satan and those who wish to cling to their "reward" of power. President Trump was a disrupter of that power, and if nothing else, exposed the evil and corruption that runs this country. I have no idea if he will run again for office, that's his choice. I kinda wish he wouldn't because he's put up with enough BS to last a lifetime for anyone. But I do hope that someone will step up and carry on, a fighter, not a wuss. We need fighters, not namby pamby do nothings. The very fact that the Dems ran Biden and Fetterman and those like them proves that it's not "smart patriots" that satan wants, it's the compliant.

The power that runs this country is way above the President and government. The powers behind the scenes "picked" these people for a reason, to fall in line with the great agenda, world compliance so it will be ripe and ready for the Antichrist to take power. The truth is, is that we can't stop it, but we can slow it down. The good news is that as Believers, we will continue on and all this evil and chaos, wars and hatred, greed and deception will be done away with.

So don't get too caught up in the worldly. Jesus never came to change the government of His day, and it was worse than now, or should I say, it was more out in the open. Now it's the same only more deceptive and hidden. Ok, coffee time, have a great day!

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