Believe it or not, there are some things in this life that we just don't have to do at all! Although we were born into a world that has no shortage of rules "that we must obey," we should understand that a lot of them were concieved by man and not by God. So my first question would be, "who created us, God or man?" Don't say "our parents," that's not what I mean, although true, I'm referring to mankind to begin with!
Well, I got to thinking about why our culture and our few generations that occupy this particular time line of earth's history, is so messed up. Why are things so out of control, whether it be cultural or in our own lives? So, here's a few things that came to mind, and I'm sure you all have more to add, but I want to keep this shorter rather than longer as I'm not a real blogger, just a novice! LOL. OK......
First off, we have to understand that this world is not how God intended it to be. God created a perfect world, just as He wanted it to be! Then He created man in His image, meaning with the ability to think, reason, feel emotions, make decisions, etc. Not necessarily with the ability to create something out of nothing as He does, but nevertheless, in my opinion, His highest and most wonderful creation of all, (so far!)
Remember, it was satan that got kicked out of Heaven, not us. Then satan found a place to be on the earth (temporarily) and God allowed it. I imagine God allows it for now because although He created man to worship and love Him! He also gave man free choice whether to do so or not. Also, His creation, (us) was / is put on display before all of His creations ever, to Glorify Him!
So satan knowing how much God's creation pleased Him, set out to destroy it as much as he can, because satan hates God and therefore, hates His creation! That's us! So now man is living in a fog of evil lies and deceit that covers the whole world and makes it so that we don't see clearly how things were supposed to be. Ok, so now on to my point! (Yay, finally!) Here are a few things that will help lift the fog!
We DO NOT have to be a part of someone else's insanity. Just because "they" think that men can have babies, or using plastic straws will destroy the earth, or cows cause global warming, doesn't mean that's true. All it means is that miserable people along the way come up with this stuff because they reject God and need something, anything else to believe in. And, speaking of straws, they are desperately grasping at straws so it makes more sense if the straws were plastic instead of paper anyway. They're a lot stronger!
The Book of Revelation specifically says that God will create a New Heaven and a New Earth. So don't waste time worrying about climate change, or fossil fuels, or anything else that "they always say" will happen in a hundred years. All these things are false religions and have little value to Believers. They are mostly scare tactics used by those in authority to manipulate the culture and keep them in power, and line their own pockets with riches. The graveyard is full of people who were once in authority, and now have nothing to show for it but a wasted life and a horribe eternal destiny.
Government is a God-ordained function. It is meant for the protection, stability, and peaceful co-existance of our culture. Oh how it has been twisted and contorted to become something just the opposite. But, don't look to the government to change anything for the better. Don't look to certain people to all of a sudden make everything perfect. Ya, they promise you that, but it NEVER happens. Politicians kiss a lot of babies, shake a lot of hands, (or sniff your daughter's hair ) promise you everything, just to get elected. Once there, you are an afterthought, and even a nuisance to them. Every now and then someone comes along that honestly wants to do the right thing and even do their job, and the whole world and media freak out like idiots, because that's not really what they want. The majority doesn't really want Truth or what's right because they are decieved by satan and covered by that fog of deception I mentioned earlier. Remember, Jesus didn't try to change the government of His day. They are what they are and won't change, it will just get more evil.
So these are a few things that will help lift the fog. My final thought is just get closer to God. Read His Word, hang around people who actually try to live by God's Word. Most of all, ask God Himself to reveal to you what to do and pray for The Holy Spirit to guide you each day, or even several times a day! Also, just as important, is get in the habit of being thankful! The more you say "Thank You Lord" the easier it becomes! Even if you're in a traffic jam going to the store! Thank Him! You never know, maybe God is protecting you from an evil event about to happen! OK, like I said, I'm not a real blogger, so I'll quit here! Yay! Have a Blessed day and don't stress. You already know He is going to take care of you so why worry? Have fun and relax! Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you! I promise! <3