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  • Writer's pictureJesse Hutson

"Who Cares?"

Well, I'm bored, so I'm going to write a post! Not really bored as in nothing to do, but you might say, spending time reflecting on life. More specifically the life I'm living compared to the life I imagined.

You may or may not know, I am a guitar player. Not necessarily a "good" one, but good enough to have spent years in various bands, sometimes making money, sometimes not. I've played on the streets of Vancouver and Seattle and bluegrass festivals in British Columbia. Now I play on the worship team of two different churches and very content (mostly!)

I think of all the influences on my playing and wonder why the heck I even liked most of them to begin with. Was it the booze, or the pot, or both or was it that I thought, "wow, those people really have it made, they're living the charmed life most of us only dream about." That might have had a bit to do with it, but growing older, you read stories here and there of how it really was, and lots of it was really a miserable experience for some, and not at all like how I imagined it was. And a lot of stars I liked are just miserable people now, with no audience and no glory, and basically "has beens." Music has a shelf life.

Remember, evey time you see a big glorious concert, there is an equal amount of "come down" afterwards. The people you just wowed with your talent disappear when you walk out on the sidewalk and no one even knows who you are, even worse, they could care less. As they age, they become bitter, empty, lonely, and drug and alcohol addicted, and simply fade away or end up at some menial job somewhere.

I also enjoy writing songs. Oh, and speaking of songs, lots of songs get popular for a moment then vanish with no lasting effect, just a memory in your head that maybe others have never heard of. The absolutely best one can hope for is maybe the song makes some money to pay a few bills.

So there are lots of times I sit here wondering, "what's the use?" I can't find musicians to play with, because everyone is too busy, or their wives won't let them, or they've just given up. And if I go on Craigslist, mostly everyone is looking for headbanging, trash rock tribute bands and none of them will ever go anywhere, stuck in some dreamlike state thinking they're more than they really are, kinda like a school of minnows swimming around in circles.

So that's my dilemma for now. Searching for a few talented musicians and singers that understand making music for Jesus has eternal value and more rewarding than ever thought possible! Everything else is a waste of time. Changing hearts and lives is a part of The Great Comission and doing it with music is the greatest joy a musician can have!

So, who cares? The Lord cares and I hope you do too! :)

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